The Parish of Saint Peter, Ripon
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The Parish of Saint Peter, Ripon
Class - Inwardly Digest - Session 5 (The Essence of the Daily Office)
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What is Anglican prayer?
“Inwardly Digest” by Derek Olson
Have you ever wondered if there was a simple guide to living a deeper spiritual life which incorporated Bible readings alongside meaningful prayers that have been prayed by millions of Christians over the last thousand years? There is—and you can find it in the pew rack in front of you where you sit every Sunday! The Book of Common Prayer is more than a service book for Sundays; it is a map to a deeper relationship with God, a framework for learning to live a more patterned and rewarding life of faith.
During this book study, we will delve into liturgical spirituality and how the prayer book serves as a repository of Christian spiritual practice stretching back to the beginnings of our Christian family. We will focus on three key elements—the Calendar, the Daily Office, and the Eucharist and discuss the spiritual principles behind them. The patterns of life laid out in The Book of Common Prayer helps us connect back to God in an intentional daily way. Our (red) prayer book is a wonderful medicine to a rote and dry prayer life as we grow in Anglicanism. Whether you are a new or a seasoned Anglican, you will find this class refreshing!
This book study is part of our Brown Bag Bible Book Study series that meets on Tuesdays at 1 PM in the Parish Office. Each session will also be posted to our Buzzsprout channel for remote access.